Benefits of LED Parking Lot Lights

The parking lot is always where a visitor’s interaction with an establishment begins. If the standard is poor, parking lot lights usually go unnoticed. If you believe it or not, there is a correlation between how well a parking lot structure is lit and the reputation of a company or organization. Drivers and pedestrians can easily navigate and feel safe and secure in a well-lit parking lot. When a parking lot is poorly lit, on the other hand, the roles are reversed, and crime and accidents rise.

It is essential to have good quality light in parking because it speaks volumes about the establishment, whether it is a business or a public institution. It also conveys the message that the place is available to the public and that visitors are welcome. When compared to traditional lighting, upgrading and installing LED Parking lot lights has many advantages.

LED Parking Lot Lights

With New Led Pole Lights, You Can Increase Revenue and Profitability

In response to higher protection, when customers and patrons can clearly see your company, it will generate more attention, increasing sales and profit. LED lights are a great way to boost a business. Brightly lit areas indicate that businesses are open and keep customers and patrons from being disoriented.


LED lights are also less expensive. HID (high-intensity discharge) lights use between 100 and 1000 watts on average. Ballasts, a system that also conducts electricity, are used in HID lights, and they consume a lot of energy.

Parking lots consume a lot of energy when it comes to lighting, which contributes to exorbitant electric bills. The electric bill can be cut in half with LED lighting. Since LEDs emit light in a directional pattern, they are more energy efficient than older systems.

Energy Savings

The LED light uses 40 to 600 watts of power, while the HID light uses 100 to 1000 watts. When switching to LED lighting, energy consumption is decreased by 40 % to 60% . Between the source and the target area, HID lighting loses 75% of its power, resulting in just 30 lumens per watt. A good 4000k LED, on the other hand, provides more than 125 lumens per watt to the goal.

Low Maintenance

LED Parking Lot Lights
Metal Halide vs LED Parking Lot Light

Because of their revolutionary nature, LED light fixtures have a longer life span. The light intensity of the light fixtures gradually decreases over time, indicating that they will not need to be replaced for a long time. Patrons would require fewer light fixtures due to the higher brightness levels and longer shelf life, resulting in cost savings. Besides that, since LED lights are built to spread light equally, the few light fixtures in the parking lot can be spread out further.

Advanced LED Parking Lot Lights Controls

Since light is created only when appropriate, LED parking lot lights with the accessory photocell (dusk to dawn sensors) will support us a lot, and more. LED parking lot lights turn on and off automatically, detecting unique foot candle value thresholds early in the morning to turn the parking light off, and in the evening when there is not enough light for usability to turn them back on.


For protection and rebates qualifications, it is UL Listed and DLC Premium Checked. Quality, protection, and reliability are all enhanced when a product is UL certified. The Design Lights Consortium is an independent verification organization.  The light has been certified at 140 Lumens per Watt. It has superior sealing ability and can operate in environments with temperatures ranging from 50°C to -40°C.

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